Who can tell me the most exclusive place to stay in Whistler Blackcomb this coming winter? How about the Fairmont Chateau Whistler? Or maybe The Four Seasons Resort? Ask professional skier Mike Douglas, ‘The Godfather of Freeskiing’ and pioneer of twin tip skiing, who’s decided to welcome the arrival of Winter 2011/2012 by spending 6 days and nights staying in the ski patrol shack at the top of Whistler Mountain. Exclusive it might be, but luxurious it most certainly won’t! [caption id="attachment_2502" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Roundhouse, Whistler Mountain – Sunrise October 14th 2011[/caption] This November, 6 days before the mountain opens, Mike will head to the top of Whistler Mountain armed only with a sleeping bag, a camera and his laptop and will be reporting on the onset of winter as it happens around him. He’ll be giving us the inside story on what goes on to get Whistler Blackcomb open for the new season through a series of tweets, blogs and Facebook posts. Night time temperatures at the top of Whistler Mountain are already well below freezing and once the patrollers disappear in the early evening he’s got some long, lonely and cold nights ahead of him. Mike has commented that it’s the ‘sort of challenge he loves’ and ‘he can’t wait to get up there’. I think it won’t be long before he’s tweeting ‘I can’t wait to come down’. Whistler Blackcomb are calling the project ‘Embedded’ and you can follow Mike’s progress by liking the official Whistler Blackcomb Facebook page and following them on Twitter @whistlerblckcomb. Whistler Blackcomb have put together a great little video as an introduction to Embedded. EMBEDDED TEASER - Whistler Blackcomb inside the story from Whistler Blackcomb on Vimeo.