December 2011

I woke up on Sunday morning and it was snowing!!  How can someone in their late 20’s (come on allow me some poetic license) get so excited every time it snows? If you know the answer please let me know! So I thought to myself, if it’s snowing here in Edinburgh then it MUST be snowing in our favourite ski resorts across the world – right?  RIGHT! 

t started to snow across France on Friday, across Switzerland on Saturday and it’s not stopped since.  In fact my email inbox is full of like minded people getting really excited about the snowfall.  Have a look at this picture that has just been sent to my colleague Eve (one of her friends is in Val d’Isere and like a kid at Christmas, that’s his car!)

Dude, Where's my car?


How much snow has fallen though – that’s always a question…here is an answer from La Rosiere:

Almost 1 metre of fresh snow in La Rosiere!

Yep, that’s a good old metric meter!! And there is plenty more in the forecast too over the next week or so, I just wish I was there instead of here…ho hum! Not only am I getting bombarded by snow messages from our European friends but Karen from the Ski Independence office is in Colorado just now, checking out the product (as we do once in a while, you know just to make sure everything is ok for our clients) and she has been leaving me messages like this on Facebook:

"Beaver creek is full of hot ski racers! Makes for some good views ;)"

"Bit of world cup ski racing to watch this morning. See how it’s supposed to be done. Awesome!"

"OMG! Truly amazing day skiing Vail. Ski fast enough and the cold can't catch you. I'm a very lucky girl!"

"Fab day skiing in Breckenridge but it could take a while to thaw out! Brrrrrr!!!"

She’s skied Breckenridge, Beaver Creek and Vail over the last few days and reports some great powder, a decent base and some cold (cold) temperatures, perfect for topping up on Mother Nature’s bounty! It sounds like an amazing trip and I’m really really happy for her (no, really) but there is no need to rub my nose in it is there? We’ll be having words when she gets back… And we can’t do a snow update without mentioning Whistler – they’ve had over 10 feet of snow this season, they have over 5000 acres open to ski (more coming available later in the week as they make things safe in the high alpine) and they have almost ONE VERTICAL MILE of skiing too with the Whistler Village ski out being open as early as I can ever remember it! It’s looking good out there – I can’t wait for my holiday and will keep checking out the best snowfalls around, we’ll update you here once in a while so come back to see if your favourite resort is flying the EPIC flag today…