The excitement in Whistler doesn't stop with the 8,000 plus acres of ski terrain; there are endless opportunities for adrenaline fuelled fun off the slopes. Here's the latest low down on just some of the activities available from Leanne at The Adventure Group.
"Intro to adventuring in Whistler" could take a few pages, but I'll try and keep it short and sweet - the Coles Notes of how to effectively have FUN! With endless opportunities in this winter wonderland, it can sometimes be daunting to choose the best option for your group or family. You want something unique, that you can't experience anywhere else which make you laugh, right?! Let me give you some "insider tips" to make your holiday that extra bit special...
Dogsledding - I mean, where else can you actually, physically mush your very own sled of Alaskan Racing Huskies? This is one of my all-time favourite tours - adorable hard-working dogs who's one mission in life is to introduce you to a whole new world! Skirting the edge of the Soo River, this tour will introduce you to the sport of dogsledding and takes you on a journey you never thought possible. I took some UK guests on a tour last week and they emailed me yesterday to let me know it was the best thing they did in Whistler!
[caption id="attachment_1717" align="aligncenter" width="201"]
Mush, mush![/caption]
Snowmobiling - There once was a man named Joe, who's dream was to play in the snow. He got on a snowmobile and journeyed into the wilderness and his face was all aglow. True story!! Haha, but seriously you don't want to miss out on this experience. We have 16,000 acres of playground - ancient Cedar groves, high alpine look-outs, frozen lakes and single-track trails. Choose your level and rip it up with the whole family!
[caption id="attachment_1718" align="aligncenter" width="200"]
A adrenaline filled way to see some more of Whistler's scenery[/caption]
Ziplining - When people think of Whistler, ziplining is often the #1 activity image that comes to mind. With The Adventure Group, you get to zip on 5 side-by-side lines up to 100 km/hour in Whistler's backcountry. Our guides help people get over any reservations they may have, in order for them to let go and ZIP over the tree-tops. They joke that they are psychologists without the letters behind their name - the epitome of "letting go"!
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Racing through the trees - great fun![/caption]
Snowshoe - I mean, if you can walk, you can snowshoe. As I was writing this blog, a guest came in from our morning "intro" snowshoe tour and book onto a different trip that very afternoon! He was a complete newbie but totally fell in love with the beauty of tramping through metres of fresh powder with his very own guide. It is a serene break to the action of Whistler village and a perfect way to experience the beauty of the mountains.
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A fantastic workout - if you've got energy from skiing![/caption]
Horse Drawn Sleigh Ride - I personally took your very own Ski Independence reps on this tour last night. After piling into the sleigh with our hot drinks we sailed along the trail with light snow falling all around us - we even contemplated singing Christmas carols but thought we might frighten the horses! But I have to tell you, the 3-course fondue dinner was the highlight of my entire day. To describe it would take at least two more paragraphs - the smell alone made my salivate! Phenomenal cheese fondue with fresh bread and chinois (broth-based) fondue with beef tenderloin, scallops, salmon, prawns and veggies...mmmmmm! Just when we thought we couldn't fit one more morsel in, they brought out a premium chocolate fondue. Let's just say I waddled home that night a VERY happy & full girl.
[caption id="attachment_1721" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Truly magical experience[/caption]
So I hope this little intro has helped you decide what to do in Whistler - choose your own adventure!!
If you're heading to Whistler this season and want to try any of the above for yourself, you can book all of these activities at a fantastically discounted price with your Whistler rep when you arrive in resort. Enjoy!