On first glace as I sit here looking around the Ski Independence office nothing seems out of the norm... that’s until one of the “guys” look up from their computer screen to show off their 15 days of growth on their top lip (now more commonly known as a lip cosy!), some may be impressive, some may be sculpted (Andy’s Trucker!) and some are just plain ridiculous!
To clarify the situation for those of you who are wondering why a bunch of guys at Ski Independence are growing (or attempting to grow) moustaches, it’s all in support of Movember. No, that’s not a spelling mistake, Movember is correct – a very worthwhile charity with one aim, to raise money for prostate cancer, a subject which I am sure is close to many. Now, this is not a plea for money by any means however if anyone does have a few spare coins (or notes) and would like to support this worthwhile cause then they can do so by visiting the Movindependence site to make a donation!
[caption id="attachment_2690" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Team Movindependence![/caption]
So, now that part is out of the way, let’s talk tash…the one thing that has become apparent from all those participating (hands up I dropped out on day 4) is that what was once a feeling of embarrassment has now been replaced by pride in the fact that most have achieved a pretty thick covering…well most of them (cough cough Jamie!). So much so, I have a funny feeling that come the 1st of December and beyond there may be a few lingering tashes around the office!
With a little help from some of the girls in the office (Claire and Suzanna) and the Movember style guide, the following styles have been awarded!
[caption id="attachment_2692" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
The Movember Style Guide courtesy of www.movember.com[/caption]
Porn Star – Jon
Gringo – Adam
Undercover Brother – Dave
Connoisseur – Gordon
Trucker - Andy
Jihad Jack – Gareth
After Eight – Jamie
Box Car – Pete
Major – John
And let us not forget the Ski Independence girls who have taken part in Movember, I think we will all agree that they have done a great job!
[caption id="attachment_2693" align="aligncenter" width="232"]
The Ski Independence Ladies![/caption]
Not only does November see the Ski Independence staff raise money, we also have some fantastic money saving offers for you! Up until the 30 November we have a great selection of Paradiski properties available with 15% off. This offer is valid on all dates throughout the season, including school holidays. Simply book before the 30 November to get the very best price!
For more details on this fantastic offer call a member of the Ski Independence team on 0131 243 8097 or request a quote here.