Part 2 - Bowled over in Fernie
It’s the second day of our trip to Fernie, a gem of a Canadian resort, tucked away in British Columbia, and it had been snowing the previous night. There was six inches of fresh powder coating the upper part of the mountain. But more luck was to come our way.
Fernie is made up of five bowls criss-crossed with challenging on and off piste runs, through the trees. The previous day a couple of the bowls had been shut and so the snow had been untouched by skiers and snowboarders for a couple of days. Just as we arrived at the top of the White Pass quad chair lift at around 10am, Currie Bowl which had previously been shut, was opened by the patrollers.
[caption id="attachment_711" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Daley leads the charge "]
The few skiers and boarders who were waiting at the top quickly realised their good fortune and raced onto the vast area of virgin powder eager to claim their first tracks. We held back a little and let the ultra keenies go ahead as their was more than enough for everyone to find their slice of heaven and leave their signatures on the mountainside. And boy did we enjoy the ride. Run after run after run.
[caption id="attachment_712" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Greg and Leigh power through the powder"]
We celebrated our good fortune that evening in true Canadian fashion by watching an ice hockey game at the town’s stadium. Fernie’s local team, Ghostriders, trounced the opposition Creston Valley Thundercats by seven goalls to one. It was a good day for Fernie and a great one for holidaymakers with Daily Mail Ski & Snowboard magazine.
[caption id="attachment_713" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Apres ski, Canada style "]
It is said that timing is everything and today readers of Daily Mail Ski & Snowboard magazine, on holiday in Fernie, Canada, got very lucky.
[caption id="attachment_710" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Shaun shows us the way"]

Henry Druce is Editor of the Daily Mail Ski & Snowboard Magazine.