Part 1: Thank goodness it's now snowing!

I am currently out in Fernie, Canada helping to host a holiday for readers of the magazine. I will keep you up to date on the snow conditions and the trip over the next week, straight from resort.

[caption id="attachment_690" align="aligncenter" width="237" caption="Fernie's trees are calling"]Fernie's trees are calling[/caption]   It was a worrying moment as we arrived in Fernie, Canada on Tuesday night at our hotel and it was raining. The mood was grim especially as we’d suffered an eight hour delay in getting to the resort, ironically because of excessive snow and ice at Gatwick airport. We ended up being bussed from Stansted to catch our direct flight to Calgary.
[caption id="attachment_689" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Happy Days"]Happy Days[/caption] However all the hassles of the previous day were swiftly forgotten as soon as we arrived at the mountain the following morning to be greeted by a fresh 10cm coating of snow from mid mountain up. Local Fernie big wig Christine Kimble had fixed us up with some top guides who showed us around the slopes in the morning. With hardly anyone else around it felt as if we were on our own private mountain. Conditions are mild with the temperature hovering around zero, making it feel more springlike than mid winter, and more snow is forecast for tonight. Bring it on.
Henry Druce is Editor of the Daily Mail Ski & Snowboard Magazine.